Elementary School ministry:

Our bases of Children’s ministry starts on Sunday Mornings with Sunday School. We have a dedicated team of caring individuals to teach about the God we worship. Each Sunday starts with Matthew Wary leading our Cherub Choir in the song they will spend the month learning at 9:00 am. Following that, our Sunday School teachers lead them upstairs to sit in on the first part of worship, after the children’s sermon they are led back downstairs to finish the Sunday learning their lesson for the day. They are separated into a non-reading group (Ages 3-2nd Grade) and a reading group (3rd to 5th grade). Once a youth reaches 3rd grade, they are presented with their Bible from the church, signifying their growth in their faith. They also begin to learn the practice of acolyting, serving as the acolytes in a rotating basis for our 9:30 am worship services. We are currently in the process of creating a robust, once a month family ministry. This ministry will include breaking of bread, bible study, and fellowship! More information to be announced. We currently have quarterly family nights out, including the following events we have done in the past: September Back to School BBQ, January Family Game Night, June Movie Night.